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3D origami art PDF 英文原版书

最后更新 2020-05-12


书名:3D origami art




作者: Jun Mitani 





Origami—making shapes only through folding—reveals a fascinating area of geometry woven with a variety of representations. The world of origami has progressed dramatically since the advent of computer programs to perform the necessary computations for origami design.

3D Origami Art presents the design methods underlying 3D creations derived from computation. It includes numerous photos and design drawings called crease patterns, which are available for download on the author’s website. Through the book’s clear figures and descriptions, readers can easily create geometric 3D structures out of a set of lines and curves drawn on a 2D plane.

The author uses various shapes of sheets such as rectangles and regular polygons, instead of square paper, to create the origami. Many of the origami creations have a 3D structure composed of curved surfaces, and some of them have complicated forms. However, the background theory underlying all the creations is very simple. The author shows how different origami forms are designed from a common theory.


Axisymmetric 3D Origami
Four Basic Types
Basic Crease Patterns
Flat-Pleat Cone Type
Flat-Pleat Cylinder Type
3D-Pleat Cone Type
3D-Pleat Cylinder Type
“Twist Closing” for Closing a Solid
Solid with Curved Surfaces
Stabilizing a Shape

Extension of Axisymmetric 3D Origami
Connecting Two 3D Origami Shapes (Cylinder Type)
Connecting Different 3D Origami Shapes (Cylinder Type)
Connecting Different 3D Origami Shapes (Cone Type)
Changing Pleat Orientation (Flat-Pleat Type)
Resizing Pleats (Cylinder Type)

Connecting Axisymmetric 3D Origami Shapes
Connecting and Tiling 3D-Pleat Type on a Plane
Connecting Flat-Pleat Type
Connecting Different 3D Origami Shapes
Making Use of Duality
Layering Dual Patterns

Making Use of Mirror Inversion
Cone-Based 3D Origami
Mirror Inversion on a Developable Surface
Specifying Mirror Planes by a Polygonal Line
Relation between Sweep Locus and Shape
Various Shapes

Application of Mirror Inversion
Curved Fold Units Combined Together
Inversion by Oblique Mirror Plane

Voronoi Origami
Tiling with Different Polygons
Origami by Voronoi Tiling

Various Origami Designs

Origami Design Techniques
Rigid Origami
Curved Folds and Curved Origami
Computational Origami
Origami with Thick Materials
Robots and Origami
Relation between Living Things and Origami
Origami and Mathematics
Origami and Education
Application of Origami to Industry



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